Triadica sebifera

Populus nigra

Vernicia fordii

rhomboid to broadly ovate leaves with long tip, margin entire, nervation pinnate triangular leaves without long tip, margin crenate-serrate, nervation more or less palmate leaves ovate to heart-shaped, nervation palmate
inflorescences upright with male and female flowers inflorescences hanging female catkins inflorescences panicles with showy flowers
capsules splitting into 3 parts, seeds with white aril capsules releasing seeds with long hairs drupe indehiscent or slightly dehiscent at base
bark of adult tree bark of adult tree bark of adult tree

Photo's Triadica sebifera 1: Sheldon Navie Weeds of Australia 2: 阿橋 HQ CC BY-SA 2.0 3: Kenpei GNU Free Documentation License 4: Gitta Hasing Populus nigra 1: Rudolphous CC BY-SA 4.0 2: Stefan Lefnaer CC BY-SA 4.0 3: George Chernilevsky public domain 4:
Vernicia fordii: 1, 2 & 3: Matteo Maspero EPPO GD 4: Kenpei CC BY-SA 2.1 JP Version December 2021